Leningrad chronicles 1981 № 4

Film-document №59526 1 part, Duration: 0:10:22 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:22

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Producer LSDF

Director: P. Kogan

Operators: G. Afanasjev, V. Burcev, N. Vinogradov, A. Ivanov, O. Luchinin, A. Pavlov, L. Rozhin

Text writers: G. Sisoev

Other authors: A. Korchagin


The issue is dedicated to the 25th reporting and election conference of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU.

CPSU activity

Domestic policy | Policy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of Nevsky Prospekt and the streets of Leningrad.

A rally in the city's industrial enterprises.

Launching a new ship, the faces of shipbuilders.

A solemn event at one of the enterprises.

Panorama of the thermal power plant.

Harvesting in one of the rural farms of the Leningrad region.

Production processes on the factory floor.

Installation of concrete panels in the construction of a residential building.

Views of the Tauride Palace.

Delegates of the 25th reporting and election Conference of the Leningrad Regional Organization of the CPSU before the meeting, a portrait of Leonid Brezhnev in the lobby.

Delegates talk to each other.

Conference delegate V. I. Kuznetsov speaks about the success of Leningrad oil refiners (synchronously).

Panorama and views of the Kirov oil refining complex.

A team of workers is on shift.

A train with oil passes by.

Roller driver I. Ya.

Prokofiev speaks about the achievements of the Kirov plant for the construction of heavy tractors of the Kirovets brand (synchronously).

Assembly of tractors on the conveyor of the Kirov plant.

Another tractor comes off the assembly line.

The foreman of vegetable growers M. I. Savelova tells about the success of his farm (synchronously).

View of the hall of the Tauride Palace during the opening of the conference (top).

Members of the Presidium and delegates applaud standing, panorama of the hall (top).

The first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, G. V. Romanov, speaks from the rostrum with a report (synchronously), the delegates applaud.

Delegates stand up and applaud at the end of Romanov's speech.

Panorama of the conference hall (top).

Faces of conference delegates, views and panorama of the hall.

Romanov finishes his speech, the delegates applaud.

Delegates of the conference in the break of the meeting.

Delegate V. A. Smirnov speaks about the main provisions of the report of Romanov (synchronously).

Shipbuilders at work.

Builder A. A. Malyshev speaks about the success of Leningrad metro builders (synchronously).

Metro builders during the construction of the tunnel.

Director of the state farm Pavlovsky speaks about the high rates of meat delivery to the state (synchronously).

Views of the lobby and hall of the Tauride Palace.

First secretary of the Leningrad City Committee of the CPSU Solovyov Yu. F., fitter V. Chicherov, first secretary of the Tosnensky City Committee of the CPSU Fedorov, Academician Glebov, seamstress-motorist Fedyanova, milkmaid Alekseeva speak from the rostrum during the debate.

Second secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU Suslov N. Ya. speaks from the rostrum with a report.

Conference participants speak from the podium, delegates applaud.

Panorama of the meeting room, the faces of the delegates.

A participant of the conference speaks from the podium.

Delegates applaud standing, panorama of the hall.

Delegate V. S. Chicherov speaks about the work done by his party organization to implement the decisions of the 25th Congress of the CPSU (synchronously).

Production processes in the shops of the Leningrad Metal Plant.

The icebreaker goes through the ice.

Scientists put experience.

A train with heavy tractors passes by.

Combine harvester at the harvest.

The ground grain is poured out of the sleeve of the combine into the back of the truck.

Launch of the spacecraft.

Construction of a railway track.

The train goes over the new bridge.

Faces of the rally participants.


Romanov Grigorij Vasiljevich -- statesman and politician
Solovjev Yurij Filippovich -- statesman and politician
Suslov Nikolaj Yakovlevich -- statesman and politician
Glebov Igorj Alekseevich -- scientist in the field of mechanical engineering




Leningrad region



Political figures; Industry; Agriculture; Construction; Trains
Biography; Policy; Sectors of the economy; Transportation