Leningrad chronicles 1975 № 4

Film-document №59557 1 part, Duration: 0:10:13 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:13

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Producer LSDF

Director: Yu. Ryabov

Operators: V. Gulin, B. Kozirev, O. Luchinin

Other authors: G. Sisoev


The issue is dedicated to the development and prospects of vocational education in the Leningrad region.

Education | Professions | Youth

Social life

Reel №1

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Into the ranks of the working class.

View of the building of the Palace of Labor in Leningrad.

Introduction of banners in the hall by participants of the meeting of excellent students of vocational schools of the Leningrad region.

Guests of the rally and veterans of labor climb the grand staircase.

Fitter enterprises "barricade" Zhuravlev conducts workshops on electric welding.

Member of the Leningrad regional Committee of the Komsomol, vegetable grower Evdokimova talks with the participants of the rally.

Hero of Socialist Labor Volchikhin among the participants of the rally.

Faces of the participants of the rally.

Panorama and views of the meeting hall, speeches from the rostrum of business leaders.

Practical lesson in michurins'ke vocational school.

Faces of students, type of class.

Seedlings of vegetables in the greenhouse.

Classes in classrooms and classrooms of SPTU.

Cows in the educational farm of the school.

Girls go to milk cows on a dairy farm.

Milking cows on the milking platform.

The girl feeds the calves with milk.

German lesson in the language lab.

The faces of the students.

Students go on a ski trip.

Ski trip in the forest.

Panorama of the territory of the construction vocational school in Sosnovy Bor.

Theoretical and practical classes in school classrooms, panoramas of classes.

The types of areas and buildings of the Lomonosov vocational school.

Students during practical and theoretical classes.

Lesson on the repair and installation of engines.

An excellent student, Yu.

Goodin during class.

Classes on driving agricultural machinery.

Types of buildings and territories of Gatchina sewing vocational school.

Lesson on creating new models of clothing.

Lesson on cutting fabrics.

A student of vocational school N. Markova, a scholar of the Central Committee of the Komsomol at work in the sewing shop of the school.

Markova speaks about the goals of studying at vocational schools (synchronously).

The girls talk about the reasons why they went to vocational school.

Model of a sailing ship on a pedestal near the building of the River Vocational school in Petrokrepost.

Passes the system of cadets of the school.

Cadets go to classes.

The ship's bell and the lifebelt over the entrance to one of the classes.

Cadets in the classroom during the next class, the faces of the cadets.

The teacher tells the types of ships.

Cadets during a visit to the construction yard of the Nevsky Shipyard.

Faces of cadets.

Cadets during a practical lesson in one of the factory shops.

Cadets in the honor guard at the military memorial.

Memorial plaque in honor of the fallen soldiers of the 2nd Shock Army.

Cadets lay a wreath at the monument to fallen soldiers.

Cadets in the ranks.

Type of monument.

Stands of the Museum of military and labor glory in one of the vocational schools.

Students play basketball in the gym.

Students during leisure time in the hostel.

Girls embroider, are engaged in burning on wood.

Lesson in the classroom of one of the vocational schools.

The head of the regional Department of vocational education L. A. Gorchakov speaks about the quantitative and qualitative changes that have occurred in the system of vocational education in the Leningrad region, the creation of large industrial vocational schools and their features in the professional training of young people (synchronously).

Stand with photos dedicated to the development of the network of vocational schools in the Leningrad region.

Participants of the meeting of excellent students of vocational schools of the Leningrad region climb the main staircase of the Palace of Labor, view of the main staircase.




Leningrad region



Industry; Agriculture; Sea and river transport
Sectors of the economy; Transportation