Soviet journalists. (1983)

Film-document №62353 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:32 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:59

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Producer LSDF

Director: I.Kalinina

Script writers: A.Mendeleev

Operators: Yu.Aleksandrov

Recordist: N.Vinogradskaya


The work of journalists at the facilities: pipelines, workshops, field testing in the chamber, Beirut. The work of the printing, sale of Newspapers, the oath of the young journalist.

Media | Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Printing a newspaper in a printing house.

People buy Newspapers at a kiosk "Sojuzpechat."

The building of the publishing house "Pravda".

Editorial office of the newspaper "Pravda".

The Letters department.

Analysis of received emails.

Meeting of the Editorial Board.

Printing house, newspaper printing.

Operators shoot the landing of an astronaut in a spaceship.

An athlete runs with the Olympic torch through the streets of Moscow.

Open-hearth shop.

Kirov plant.

A 250 00 tractor rolled off the assembly line of the plant.

Editorial office of the factory multi-edition.

Master of the assembly shop V. Petrov-correspondent of the multi-page "Kirovets".

Tractors "of Kirovets" ready to enter the fields of the country.

Publicist A. Ivashchenko walks through a plowed field.

A field of wheat.

Field of sunflowers.

Military chronicle: the tank is on the field, bombing.

Photos of A. Ivashchenko of the war years.

A. Ivashchenko rides in the car.

Ivashchenko talks with grain growers, agronomists, scientists.

The building of the newspaper "Izvestia".

Newspaper editorial office.

The typesetter's hands type the text of the article.

A group of athletes reached the North Pole.

Journalist V. Snegirev-a participant of the campaign-speaks on the phone.

Photos of the campaign.


Zhukov Yu.A. -zhurnalist-mezhdunarodnik, publicist, perevodchik. Geroj Socialisticheskogo Truda, predsedatelj sovetskogo komiteta zaschiti mira.
Ovchinnikov V.V. -zhurnalist i pisatelj-publicist, odin iz veduschih sovetskih poslevoennih zhurnalistov-mezhdunarodnikov
vostokoved, specialist po Yaponii i Kitayu.
Afanasjev V.G. -uchyonij-obschestvoved, filosof, zhurnalist, obschestvennij deyatelj. Akademik AN SSSR, doktor filosofskih nauk, professor. Glavnij redaktor gazeti «Pravda» i zhurnala «Kommunist».







Professions; Expeditions and discoveries; Scientific expeditions
Social life; Geography and Nature; Science

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Skiers go through a blizzard.

A lone tent in the snow.

A group of scientists is preparing for new campaigns.

Participants of the campaign in the pressure chamber.

V. Snegirev photographs.

Shparo, Snegirev and other participants of the campaign look at the map.


Growth -the correspondent of "Literary newspaper".

Paintings by People's Artist Maria Primachenko.

Schoolchildren in front of Primachenko's paintings.

The son of M. Primachenko-Fedor tells the students about the paintings.


The growth of photographs.

People's Artist Maria Primachenko.

M. Primachenko and her son leaf through canvases with her paintings.


Rost smokes a pipe while sitting in a chair.

Ostankino Tower.

F.Seiful-Mulyukov at his desk in the editorial office.

The explosion in Beirut.

Seiful-Mulyukova reports from Beirut.

Seiful-Mulyukov in the editing room.

F.Seiful-Mulyukov (synchronously) tells the editor about his business trip.

Footage of the film Seiful-Mulyukov.

Photos of F.Seiful-Mulyukova is reporting at various points.

TV studio, shooting the program.

F.Seiful-Mulyukov hosts the program " Today in the World"

People on the street.

View of the Kremlin from the Stone Bridge.

Student journalists on Red Square.

Laying wreaths at the Lenin Mausoleum.

A torch is lit from the Eternal Flame.


Snegirev V.N.-zhurnalist-mezhdunarodnik, pisatelj, voennij zhurnalist. Dolgoe vremya bil uchastnikom i organizatorom polyarnoj ekspedicii gazeti «Komsomoljskaya pravda».
Rost Yu.M. -fotograf i zhurnalist, pisatelj.
Sejfulj-Mulyukov F. -zhurnalist-mezhdunarodnik, pisatelj, vostokoved-arabist, veduschij teleprogramm Centraljnogo televideniya.





Social life