Where a Man's Heart is a Field of Battle. (1991)

Film-document №71 7 parts, Duration: 1:07:13 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:23

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

5 3 6 2 7 1 4

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Producer Krasnoyarsk studio

Director: Bogdanov S.

Script writers: Bogdanov

Operators: Bogdanov

Composers: Kalashnikov


A film about the patriotic folk front ''Memory''. The film uses various chronicles.

Public figures | Society, social activities and community organizations | Policy

Biography | Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Members of the press asks questions in French, sounds synchronous transfer.

Chairman of the National Patriotic Front "Memory" Vasiliev DD gives interviews (synchronously).

View of the Moscow River and the Kremlin.

Newsreel, 1989: Panorama of the rally.

Slogans in the hands of the protesters.

Those participants in the rally.

The building arrives government limousine.

Mikhail Gorbachev welcomes the US President R. Reagan Gorbachev meeting with the mayor of Paris Jacques Chirac Gorbachev greeted with British Prime Minister M. Thatcher

Gorbachev and Thatcher during the signing of interstate documents.

Gorbachev and Thatcher during the conversation.

Vasiliev DD gives interviews (synchronously).

French correspondent asked.

Vasiliev answers the question (synchronously).

Newsreel, 1989: members of the "Memory" get off the bus a metal Orthodox cross.

Priests carry the cross to the temple.

The priest stands on the roof of the temple.

The rise of the cross on the dome of the temple.

People stand at the temple.

Installing the cross on the dome of the temple.

People sing prayers and cross themselves.

Temple bell ringer baptized and begins to ring the bells.

Face ringer.

Church bell.

Panorama of the river.

Rural landscape.

General view of the abandoned Orthodox church.

Makovka preserved temple with a cross.

Face boys.

General view of the abandoned temple.

A young man sitting on a pile of broken bricks, behind him - a dilapidated temple.

Members of the society "Memory", dressed in black uniforms, stand in formation in front of the temple.

From out of the temple nuns and priests, followed by members of the society "Memory".

People on the street in front of the temple during the festival.

The priest sprinkles holy water on people.

Members of the "Memory" stand with candles in their hands.

The priests pass through the monastery.

Religious procession in honor of the consecration of the restored church.

Go member "Memory" with candles in their hands.

Icons and books on the table by the window.

Vasiliev in his headquarters greets members of society "Memory" (synchronous sound story Vasiliev).

Photos of members of the royal family at the table Vasiliev.

Newsreel 1910s: members of the public nurses go by tram line.

Children carried placards with slogans are adults in uniform officials.

Detail of an engraving depicting the Crucifixion of Christ.

Bust on the windowsill, a portrait on the wall Vasiliev, near hanging sword.

Photos Vasilyeva in childhood.

Photos mother and grandmother Vasiliev.

Photos Vasiliev in his youth.


Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - statesman and political figure
Ronald Reagan - American statesman and political figure
Jacques Chirac - the French statesman and political figure
Margaret Thatcher - British statesman and political figure


1910s 1989


Moscow region



Religion; Religious Holidays; Political figures
Social life; Holidays; Biography; Policy

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel, 1989: priest performs anointing with oil during a church service, it is suitable to Vasilyev (synchronous sound memories Vasilieva).

The woman's face.

Sings the chorus of nuns.

Vasiliev among members of society "Memory" is a church service, a person Vasiliev.

Sings the chorus of nuns.

Members of the "Memory" are at the forefront of the congregation during the church service.

Those parishioners.

Opening of the exhibition of the artist I. Glazunov Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" at the opening ceremony.

Glazunov at the microphone to speak the next speaker.

View of the exhibition hall (top).

View of the main facade of the Central exhibition hall Manege.

Panorama Manege Square in Moscow.

The path in the woods outside Moscow, a boy riding a bicycle.

The path in the woods.

People at the table having dinner, talking among themselves, among them - Vasilyev.

People at the table talking to Vasilyev.

Vasiliev holds a cat.

The boy's face.

Icons are hanging in the corner.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Vasiliev welcomes standing in the ranks of members of the "Memory" kissing three times each.

Members of the "Memory" in the black uniforms are on the territory of the monastery.

Vasilev is the head of his associates.

Members of the "Memory", headed by Vasil pass through the intersection, a car-traffic controller covers.

People are standing on the lawn before the solemn event.

Soldiers sitting in the stands.

Brass band, members of the "Memory" in the stands.

Women sing, standing in front of the microphones.

Vassiliev on the podium.

Women are singing.

Woman with a little girl.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Demonstrations paratroopers.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Members of the "Memory" with the banner with double-headed eagle.

Holiday party argues with Vasiliev Vasiliev tells him.

Fragment of children's collective performance.

Vasilyev talking to people, answering questions.

The woman with a microphone on stage.

Vasiliev sitting in the audience.


Dmitry Vasilyev - public figure





Society, social activities and community organizations; Public figures
Social life; Biography

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View dilapidated orthodox temple.

A horse grazes in a meadow.

Rural landscapes.

Children playing on the road.

General view of the camp society "Memory".

People are baptized during morning prayers.

Vasiliev and his people go past the farm.

People give fodder.

Vasiliev talks with like-minded people.

View of a rural church, the panorama of the village square.

Vasilyev at a reception at the local executive committee arguing with officials.

A local official out into the corridor, hiding from the camera.

Vasiliev shows documents pertaining to the activities of an agricultural cooperative "Tower".

In the room come from police and demand to stop shooting.

Cooperative members mow the grass in the meadow.

The church are the bus and the car.

Newsreel, 1989: members of the "Memory" in the office of one of the district officials.

Those members of the "Memory."

Members of the "Memory" speak with a representative of the authorities, demanding an explanation.

Calves in the stable.

Members of the cooperative "Tower" at work.

A child walks through the meadow among the daisies.

Rural landscapes.

People during prayer (top view).

The priest sprinkles holy water on people.

People climb up the hill, diverge after prayer (synchronous sound interviews Vasiliev).

Newsreel, 1986: Statue of Lenin in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Mikhail Gorbachev 27th Party Congress opens next sitting NI Ryzhkov, all rise, a general view of the presidium of the congress, the panorama of the courtroom, sounds the "Internationale."

Newsreel 1920: short footage of explosions, working the Red Army, hungry children.

27 Congress of the CPSU delegates sing the "Internationale."

Panorama of the Moscow Kremlin (from the top).

View dilapidated orthodox temple.

Prayer near the holy spring, the choir sings.

Members of the "Memory" among the worshipers.

Newsreel 1913: religious processions in Russian villages.

Religious procession in Tsarskoye Selo, held the Grand Duke Nicholas.

Nicholas II receives from the priests of bread and salt.


Nicholas II - the Russian emperor
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev - statesman and political figure
Nikolai Ryzhkov - statesman and political figure
Nikolai Romanov - commander


1913 1920s 1986 1989


Leningrad region



Political figures; Congress of the CPSU; Religion
Biography; Policy; CPSU activity; Domestic policy; Social life

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos of Nicholas II and Crown Prince Alexei on the shelf.

Vasiliev tells students about the royal family (synchronously).

Photo of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

Photo of the royal family.

The texts of newspaper articles society "Memory" about the murder of the royal family.

Newsreel 1915-1916 years: fighting in the First World War, bombings, attack infantry.

The meeting in St.

Petersburg in March 1917.

Revolutionary soldiers riding in trucks on the streets of Petrograd.

The people welcomed the soldiers.

Demonstrations in the streets of Petrograd.

Vasiliev tells students about the revolutionary events of 1917 (synchronously).

Photos massacres Whites with the population.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Members of the "Memory" work on the restoration of Orthodox monastery.

The priest sprinkles holy water running.

Vasiliev is headed members of the "Memory" bearing plants and seedlings.

Clergy and members of the "Memory" planted spruce.

Figure six-pointed star.

Newsreel, 1960: solemn event Zionist Organization in Israel.

Burning shestisvechnik.

General view of the event.

Orthodox Jews on the streets.

Praying Jews.

Face rabbi.

The service in the synagogue.

Zionist march in Israel.

Publications society "Memory" from the anti-Zionist caricatures.

Photos Gorbachev with foreign leaders.

Publications about the society "Memory" in foreign publications, with photos Vasiliev.

Newsreel 1989: Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" participate in the procession (while displaying the headlines of publications about "Memory").

Those members of the "Memory."

The priest sprinkles holy water on the Crucifixion.

Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" at the time of prayer, people kneel.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo AN Yakovlev in one of the foreign editions.


Dmitry Vasilyev - public figure


1915-1917 1960s 1989





Public figures; Religion; Rallies; The revolutionary events of 1917; The First World War
Biography; Social life; Society, social activities and community organizations; History

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

People listen to Vasilyev.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos Trotsky General view of the building of the Moscow Council and the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky.

Members of the cooperative "Tower" mow the grass.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Meeting members of the "Memory" and the cooperative "Tower".

Text of the article on the PA Stolypin in the newspaper "Memory."

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Billboards on the streets of Moscow.

People on the streets of Moscow.

Vegetable market in one of Moscow's districts.

Private trade on a Moscow street.

Panorama spontaneous market in one area.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

The entrance to one of the Moscow banks.

People stand in line at the "Mac Donalds".

The sign of the restaurant "Mak Donalds," people go inside.

People at the tables.

Cars in the parking lot of the bank.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Members of the "Memory" on the street handing out fliers.

Members of the "Memory" stand in formation.

Members of the "Memory" come to an abandoned monastery.

Members of the "Memory" are applied to the wall of the temple.

Members of the "Memory" in the monastery.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

The child picks flowers in the meadow.

Newsreel of the late 1970s: the presentation of LI Brezhnev awards in the Kremlin.

Brezhnev reads the text of the speech.

Disabled musician in the alley.

People go to the Arbat, systems are members of "Memory."

People's faces.

The artist paints a portrait.

Paintings for sale.

Busker with harmony.

Members of the "Memory" are on the Arbat.

The accordion player continues to play.

View of the Arbat.


Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - statesman and political figure





Political figures
Biography; Policy

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Monk walking on a forest path.

The priest holds the rite of baptism.

The priest baptizes a child, Vasiliev is among the guests.

Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" participate in the rite of baptism.

Members of the "Memory" stand in formation in front of the Orthodox church.

Vasiliev speaks to systems with a speech (synchronously), holds a child.

The priest is placed next order.

Members of the "Memory", standing in line, listening to Vasilyev.

Vasiliev continued his speech.

Member of the "Memory" with the girl in his arms.

Members of the "Memory" stand in formation in front of the temple.

View hillside.

Posters against society "Memory", synchronous sound interviews Vasiliev.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel, 1960: Israeli soldiers on the street.

The national flag of Israel on the flagpole.

Training of soldiers of the Israeli army.

Those soldiers.

View of the Arab territory through the barbed wire.

An Israeli settler is both the tractor and weapons charges.

Signs in Hebrew.

The sign "Streets of Zionism" in Israel.

Solemn ceremony at the stadium in Israel.

Giant shestisvechnik near the stadium.

Vasilyev gives interviews (synchronously).

Members of the "Memory" stand in formation at the walls of the monastery.

Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" in the bus.

Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" in the street talking with residents of a town.

Vasiliev answers questions of people.

People's faces.







Countries of the world
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Reel №7

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A bus passes through the city square.

A boy transports a disabled person in a wheelchair across the street.

Traffic controller on the street.

Vasiliev performs in front of people.

People's faces.

Vasiliev continues to perform (synchronously).

People listen to Vasiliev.

Icon of All Saints.

Newsreel of the 1910s-1920s: praying people.

Pass Nicholas II and his family, accompanied by the clergy.

Church bells.

General view of Strastnaya Square in Moscow.

People enter the "House of the Godless".

An anti-religious slogan.

Yaroslavsky E. M. speaks at an anti-religious rally.

Voting participants of the rally.

Reset the bells from the bell tower.

Anti-religious dispute in the club.

A woman's face.

The church dome falls.

Nicholas II and members of his family at the laying of one of the temples.

People look through binoculars at the star on the Spasskaya Tower in the mid-1930s.

The star on the spire of the tower.

The priest in the church pronounces anathema to Freemasons, occultists and other enemies of Orthodoxy.

Newsreel of 1918: Patriarch Tikhon blesses the people who approach him.

Cavalry charge.

Priests and monks are led under escort in the 1920s.

The military reads the verdict.

Dropping the cross from the church dome.

The bell falls.

The cross falls.

Work on the demolition of one of the Orthodox churches.

A fragment of a physical culture parade on Red Square in the mid-1930s.

View of the Red Square during the demonstration (top).

The priest pronounces an anathema, among the parishioners stands Vasiliev with members of the "Memory".

Parishioners pronounce anathema.

Vasiliev's face.

Vasiliev and members of the " Memory "with lighted candles and icons in their hands.

Vasiliev makes the sign of the cross.

General view of the prayer service in honor of the society "Memory".

Vasiliev is among the members of "Memory".

View of the presidium of the solemn meeting in honor of the 5th anniversary of the formation of the society "Memory".

The emblem of the assembly above the table of the presidium.

Vasiliev speaks at a solemn meeting.

Members of the "Memory" pass with flowers and wreaths in their hands (Vasiliev's speech sounds synchronously).

The priest speaks about the society "Memory" (synchronously).

Members of the "Memory" go with flowers and wreaths to the monument to the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo.

General view of the monument, people with wreaths in their hands.

Members of the" Memory " lay a wreath at the foot of the monument.

Vasiliev puts flowers at the foot of the monument, behind him are members of the "Memory" with flowers in their hands.

A member of the" Memory " adjusts the ribbons of the wreath.

Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" stand at the monument during the memorial service for the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Bas-relief from the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, depicting Sergius of Radonezh blessing Dmitry Donskoy.

Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" stand at the monument during the memorial service for the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo.

A fragment of a bas-relief.

Vasiliev on Kulikovo field.

A fragment of a bas-relief.

Vasiliev and members of the "Memory" stand at the monument during the memorial service for the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo.

General view of the monument on the Kulikovo field.

The bell-ringer rings the bells.

A child in a meadow among flowers.


Nicholas II - the Russian emperor
Tikhon (Bellavin Vasily) - Church leader, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia
Emelyan Mikhailovich Yaroslavsky (Gubelman Izrailevich Saints) - a revolutionary, statesman and public figure


1910s 1920s 1930s





Political figures; Domestic policy; Religion; Demonstrations; Rallies
Biography; Policy; Social life; Society, social activities and community organizations