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Topics: Public figures
Sophia, Russian Boulevard.. (1981)
Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:47
C 3/29/2023The film is dedicated to the Bulgarian revolutionary R. Avramov - the team-mate of Lenin.
Nansen in Russia. (1992)
Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:35
G 7/12/2018The film tells about the organization of the fight against hunger in the Volga region in 1921 -1922 years, the Norwegian scientist and polar Explorer F. Nansen.
Life in the world. (1992)
Documentary, 5 parts, Duration: 0:49:15
G 8/28/2014The film is based on the memoirs of V. P. Astafiev.
The writer gives an interview to criticism by V. Y. Kurbatov, talks about life in the military and post-war period, compares the present generation with the previous one, urges to think about the revival and preservation of the high moral qualities of the Russian people.
Literati | Persons of arts | Public figures | Biography | Culture and Arts | Literature
Where a Man's Heart is a Field of Battle. (1991)
Documentary, 7 parts, Duration: 1:07:13
G 8/12/2014A film about the patriotic folk front ''Memory''.
The film uses various chronicles.
Public figures | Society, social activities and community organizations | Policy | Biography | Social life
Hasten to do good.. (1991)
Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:33
G 6/15/2014Picture of F.P.Gaaze, Russian doctor of German origin, social activist and philanthropist, member of the Moscow Committee and the main prison doctor Moscow prisons.
Eternal Russia. (1991)
Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:37
G 6/6/2014The film deals with the fate of Russia in the XX century and the problem of preserving the historical memory of the people and of Russian national culture.
Museums and exhibitions | National culture | Public figures | Culture and Arts | Biography
You Will Fight. (1989)
Documentary, 7 parts, Duration: 1:03:11
C 2/14/2014About Vladimir Tumanov, an organizer of the gold-mining partnership named "Pechora" (named after the River of Pechora in the RSFSR), a former prisoner of GULAG (The Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies, the GULAG was the government agency that administered the penal labor camps of the Soviet Union).
The Soft Voice Of Academician Sakharov.. (1990)
Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:14
C 11/14/2012About the events in the country between the 2nd and 3rd Congresses of the people's deputies; about the funeral ceremony of the academician A.Sakharov.
The Epilogue.. (1988)
Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:21
C 11/14/2012Dedicated to the international soldier, poet Alexander Stovbe, who died in Afganistan.
The War in Afghanistan | Public figures | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War | Biography
The Princess Of Mercy.. (1989)
Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:01
C 11/14/2012About Great Princess Elizaveta Fedorovna, who founded the Marfo-Mariinian cloister, designed to educate sisters of mercy.
The First World War | Religion | Public figures | History | Social life | Biography