Horizon 1973 № 2

Film-document №72900 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:48 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:38

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Director: S. Brajtburt, E. Ostashenko

Anchorperson: V. Shestakov

Script writers: A. Gastev, S. Rajtburt

Actors: V. Shestakov, A. Kajdanovskij, A. Pokrovskaya

Operators: E. Oljshevskaya, I. Kuznecov

Composers: Sh. Kallosh

Recordist: K. Bek-Nazarov

Painter: L. Chibisov

Other authors: N. Kaspe, V. Zlotov


The special issue includes the story of the towers of Svaneti, Eiffel and Ostankino towers and games kinonovell "the Mathematician and the devil" the story of V. Chuprakova.

History | Mathematics | Architecture

Science | Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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1. Famous tower.

The picture of the tower of Babel.

The fragments of the picture.

Panorama of the seaside beach in the midst of the holiday season, relaxing on the beach.

Children on the shore playing in the sand, the faces of the arguing children.

Children begin to build a tower of wet sand.

The construction of the tower of sand, kind of a sandy town built by the children.

Clouds cover the sun.

The children argue with each other.

It starts to rain, the children run away from the beach.

Boy running along the shore.

Tower of sand in the rain.

Tower crumbles under the streams of water.

The mountainous landscape of Svaneti (panorama).

The types of ancient towers in Svaneti.

The boy touched the horns of the bull, who is wearing a yoke.

The old mountaineer sitting at the gate of the hut.

The old man's face.

Panorama of snow-capped mountains.

The complex of towers built by the Svan people in the mountains.

The types of residential buildings at the foot of the towers.

Interior view of one of the towers.

Cauldron hanging over the hearth in the home of the Svans.

The interior of the house.

The types of wooden stairs to the roof, attached to the wall of the tower.

The interior of the tower, a source of water at the bottom.

Stairs leading to the second floor.

The premises on the floors of the tower.

Interior view of observation post on the fourth floor of the tower.

Mountain landscape from the window of the tower.

The loophole in the form of a cross.

The mountainous landscape.

Men of the village dancing traditional dance during the celebration, the faces of the dancers.

The mountainous landscape.







Reel №2

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Photos of the laying of the foundation of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1887.

Texts of a protest against the construction of the Eiffel Tower, published in French newspapers.

Portraits of those who protested against the construction - Guy de Maupassant, Ch.

Gounod, A. Dumas-son.

Views of Paris, the Basilica of the Sacre Coeur on the hill of Montmartre.

Photos of the streets and squares of Paris in the 1880s of the 19th century, the Champs-Elysees, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, the Paris Opera.

Drawings and photographs depicting the construction of the Eiffel Tower.

Caricature of the architect of the tower of Eiffel.

Portrait of Eiffel.

Newsreel of the 1910s-1920s: view of Paris from the rising elevator of the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower elevators.

Operation of lifting mechanisms.

View of the base of the tower from the rising elevator.

Tourists on different floors of the Eiffel Tower.

Tourists on the observation deck, a girl looks through a telescope.

Panorama of the central part of Paris from the Eiffel Tower.

People get out of the car.

The Paris Metro train departs from the station.

Views of Paris and the Eiffel Tower.

The inventor of the parachute before jumping from the Eiffel Tower.

Jump from a tower in a homemade parachute suit, the inventor crashes.

People carry the body of the deceased inventor.

View of the Moulin Rouge cabaret.

Views of Paris at night.

Advertising posters with the Eiffel Tower.

Photo of a woman's hairstyle in the form of the Eiffel Tower.

Newsreel: the face of G. Eiffel.

View of the Eiffel Tower in the late 1920s.

Metal structures of the tower.

View of the Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow.

Panorama of the tower pillars.

Internal cables holding the concrete structures of the Ostankino Tower.

View of the Ostankino Tower.

Portrait of one of the designers of the tower, engineer N. V. Nikitin.

View of the tower part.

Visitors in the restaurant "Seventh Heaven" at the mark of 335 meters.

The interior of the sixth floor of the tower's support cone.

Internal view of the broadcast studio.

View of the tower in the evening.

The family is at home watching TV.

View of part of the tower at night.

Footage of TV shows on the TV screen.

View of the Ostankino TV Tower.

View of Paris from the Eiffel Tower elevator.

Dancing men of one of the villages of Svaneti.

Children build a tower of sand on the beach.

Actor V. Shestakov during makeup.


1910s 1920s 1973





Towns and countries
Geography and Nature

Reel №3

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2. The mathematician and the devil.

Games kinonovell about how the devil agreed to solve Fermat's theorem in exchange for the soul of mathematics, failed to do so, but became interested in mathematics.

Reel №4

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The end of kinonovell "the Mathematician and the devil".