Volga lights 1993 № 11

Film-document №77657 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:12

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Producer Nizhne-Volzhskaya newsreel studio

Director: L. Burina

Operators: L. Denisov

Text writers: N. Zareckaya

Recordist: T. Burakova


Issue talks about the life and problems of foreign students of the Saratov medical Institute.

International cooperation | Russian cities and regions

Space | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Students from countries of the Middle East, Saratov medical Institute during a walk in the birch forest singing songs in their language, the type of forest.

Students play and dance in the middle of the highway, passing cars.

The faces of the students.

Types of streets of Saratov.

The building of the Saratov medical Institute.

Students in the class during the lesson.

Students answer questions about activities Pirogov (synchronously), the faces of the students.

First-year students studying Russian language at the Department of Philology.

Head of the Department T. Kochetkova talks about creating a team of teachers of Russian as a foreign language, about teachers, about the peculiarities of teaching Russian language to foreign students, establishing a dialogue with students about the features of foreign student audience, the education of students through the subject matter, about osowanie foreign students the Russian language (synchronously).

The students in the hostel drinking tea.

Foreign students during a country picnic.

Playing football in a forest clearing.

Students fry kebabs, sing with a guitar.

Students in the meadow performed their national dances.

Panorama student picnic.

One of the foreign students said about his desire to become a qualified physician and to work at home, good against the leadership of the Institute to foreign students (synchronously).

Daily life of foreign students.

Preparation of national dishes in the shared kitchen.

One of the students in namaz.

Students in one of the Dorm rooms.

Students talk about their impressions of Russia, about the change in attitude to foreign students for the worse, about the possible causes of such relations (synchronously).

Students in the Park while relaxing drinking a beer at the table.

Foreign students walk around town, buy food at the market.

The lesson of the Russian language for foreign students, an analysis of the meaning of one of the Russian sayings.

The students during the class sing the song in Russian.

Photos of foreign students and their relatives.




Saratov region



Education; Youth; Life and leisure
Social life