Leningrad chronicles 1989 № 1 Chronicle demonstrate

Film-document №87058 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:33 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:16

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Producer LSDF

Director: D. Zhelkovskij

Operators: N. Avrunin, N. Vinogradskij, V. Glazkov, G. Golubeva, A. Gutman, V. Donec, A. Ivanov, K. Larin, O. Luchinin, I. Petrov, L. Rozhin, Yu. Chizhevskij

Recordist: M. Podtakuj

Other authors: A. Korchagin


The issue is dedicated to the celebration of the 72nd anniversary of the October Revolution in Leningrad, rethinking the meaning of this holiday.

November 7 | Holidays | Demonstrations

Social life | Society, social activities and community organizations

Reel №1

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Participants of the demonstration on November 7, 1988 in Leningrad answer questions about the reasons and purposes of their participation in the demonstration (synchronously).

Newsreel of 1937: first Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU (b)Zhdanov A. A. welcomes the participants of the demonstration on November 7.

Columns of demonstrators with banners in their hands move along the Palace Square.

A model of a steam locomotive at a demonstration, there is a column of railway workers.

Zhdanov greets the demonstrators from the podium.

The participants of the demonstration on November 7, 1988, talk about the goals of their participation in the demonstration and their political views, and express their attitude to the event (synchronously).

Newsreel of 1978: the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, G. V. Romanov, greets the demonstrators from the rostrum.

A girl on the shoulders of a man.

Columns of demonstrators pass by the grandstand on Palace Square in Leningrad, a panorama of the demonstration.

View of one of the columns of demonstrators (above).

The faces of the demonstrators.

Romanov greets the demonstrators from the podium.

The demonstrators express their opinion about the leaders of the city and the region, about their participation in the demonstration (synchronously), the faces of the demonstrators.

Cruiser "Aurora" on the Neva River at night.

Arrival of the command of the Leningrad Naval base and the leadership of the city to the ramp of the cruiser "Aurora".

The watchman beats the bells, the face of the sailor.

The commander of the cruiser gives a report to the admiral.

The faces of the sailors standing in the parade line.

The cruiser's brass band is playing.

Amateur brass band on one of the streets of Leningrad.

The demonstrators gather in columns and move towards the city center.

The movement of columns of demonstrators on the streets of Leningrad, trucks on the roadsides.

Views of the streets of Leningrad during the movement of columns of demonstrators to the gathering places.

Police officers go to Galva in one of the columns, pass the demonstrators.

Cadets of naval schools and military personnel of the airborne troops before the formation.

The face of one of the paratroopers.

Announcers pronouncing the appeals of the Central Committee of the CPSU during the demonstration, confer on the podium in front of the microphone.

Panorama of the Palace Square before the start of the parade and demonstration (above), the sculpture of six horses over the arch of the General Staff.

Cadets and KGB officers on the roof of one of the buildings.

View of the grandstand for guests of honor.

First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU Solovyov Yu. F. and his entourage rise to the podium.

Honor guard company in the ranks.

The faces of the cadets from the honor guard company.

The consolidated military brass band begins to play a march.

First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU Solovyov and Commander of the Leningrad military District Yermakov V. F. from the rostrum greet the passing troops.

Cadets of military schools and parts of the Leningrad garrison are paraded through the Palace Square, playing a consolidated brass band, a poster with the image of V. I. Lenin.

One of the brass bands on the street of Leningrad.

Trucks, put up as a fence. columns of demonstrators.

Announcers read poetry in front of a microphone.


Zhdanov Andrej Aleksandrovich -- statesman and political figure
Romanov Grigorij Vasiljevich -- statesman and political figure
Solovjev Yurij Filippovich -- statesman and political figure
Ermakov Viktor Fedorovich -- warlord


1937 1978 1988 1989





Political figures; Russian cities and regions
Biography; Policy; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Reel №2

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Announcers in front of a microphone on Palace Square utter greetings and appeals of the Central Committee of the CPSU (synchronously).

The demonstrators walk along the Palace Square, shouting "Hurrah".

Trucks with mock-ups go to the Palace Square.

Portrait of Lenin and posters in honor of the October Revolution on truck platforms.

Views of the columns facing the Palace Square (top).

Panorama of the demonstration part (top).

A consolidated brass band is playing.

Announcers, replacing each other in front of the microphone, pronounce the calls of the Central Committee of the CPSU (synchronously).

The faces of the demonstrators.

The leadership of Leningrad and the region from the rostrum welcomes the participants of the demonstration, the faces standing on the rostrum.

Speakers in front of the microphone pronounce slogans in honor of the Soviet youth and advanced enterprises of Leningrad (synchronously).

The faces of young men and women walking in columns.

View of one of the columns of demonstrators.

Solovyov Yu. F. and General Ermakov V. F. on the podium.

Banners with slogans in the columns of demonstrators, the faces of demonstrators.

Faces of guests from Asia and Africa.

Panorama of a part of one of the demonstration columns.

Demonstrators pour tea from a thermos.

The faces of the demonstrators, banners with slogans against Stalinism over the columns of demonstrators.

The face of an elderly man in profile.

Speakers at the microphones, the face of one of the speakers.

Views of the Palace Square during the demonstration (above).

The leadership of the city and the region on the podium.

Children's faces.

The faces of people passing by the podium.

Solovyov Yu. F. on the podium.

The faces of the honored guests and veterans, talking to each other on the podium.

Demonstrators who have passed through the Palace Square, put banners and banners on a moving model.

Demonstrators roll up and dismantle banners with slogans.

The demonstrators disperse along the surrounding streets.

View of the bridge over the Moika River, people walking on the bridge.

Pass the musicians of the military brass band out of order.

Delivery of banners and banners by the participants of the demonstration.

A balloon caught on the contact wire of a trolleybus, a view of the deserted Palace Square (from above).

Sculpture of the Archangel on top of the Alexander Column.


Solovjev Yurij Filippovich -- statesman and political figure
Ermakov Viktor Fedorovich -- warlord







Russian cities and regions; Political figures
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Biography; Policy