Newsreels Fishermen on the workload

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9 documents,

Fishermen on the workload 1988 № 11

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:46 to collection G 9/16/2015

1. "Interview in the Sea of Okhotsk" - An interview with E. Basov-the captain of the seiner-trawler "Sargan" about the work of his team.

2. "Murmansk, dockworkers ' brigade No. 43". - about a new form of organization of dockworkers ' labor with maximum use of labor resources and equipment.

3. "To the port with a labor victory" - about the crew of a fishing super-trawler under the command of captain Suzskov, who exceeded the plan for catching fish and received a passing Red banner.

4. "Moryana" - about a new series of fishing and processing vessel "Moryana".

Fishermen on the workload 1986 № 8

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:55 to collection G 9/16/2015

1. "Going ahead" - about the team of the transport refrigerator "Kara Sea".

2. "At the ship repairers of the Arctic" - about the team of repairers of the Murmansk shipyard, headed by I. G. Burdeyn.

3. "New professions of the collective farm" - about the work of the fishing support and demonstration collective farm named after S. M. Kirov in Estonia, working on waste-free technology.

Fishermen on the workload 1987 № 10

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:37 to collection G 9/16/2015

In kinoalmanah filming the following:

1st plot.

On the anniversary of the October Revolution.

In the story tells about the experience of the crew PAGES "Komissarovo" Vladivostok base trawl and reefer fleet.

In filming the following story:

fishing boat in the sea during the fishing season; mechanic vessel for adjusting mechanisms; descent seine and motorboats; network selection with a catch; fish splashing in the networks; assembly Deck boxes for fish; fish in boxes; sailors tamped fish; arrival of the ship in port; meeting of the ship's crew on the shore; presentation of awards; crew members with their families.

2nd story.


Fishermen on the workload 1988 № 12

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:28 to collection G 9/16/2015

In kinoalmanaha four episodes.

Removed by order of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR.

The first part.

1st plot. "Ten years and one day."


Vessel water expanse of the Bering Sea.

Freezer trawler and Paul base of ocean fisheries "Alexei Stakhanov" in the sea.


Fishermen on the workload 1989 № 13

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:14 to collection G 9/16/2015

Newsreel consists of four stories.

Removed by order of the USSR Ministry of Fisheries.

The first part.

1st plot. "Commonwealth".

Russia, Far the fishing pool.

Canned fish depot ship "Commonwealth", built by Finnish shipbuilders and equipment of firms USSR, Japan, Germany, in the sea.

External and internal views of the floating base.


Fishermen on the workload 1985 № 5

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:46 to collection G 9/15/2015

"Fishermen on labor watch".

1."On account of the future five-year plan".

Fishing boat in the Bering sea.

Trawler "Cape Grozny" in the ice.

Captain-Director of the trawler A. Simon - discusses the task with the team.

Engine room.

The instruments show that there is fish.


Fishermen on the workload 1987 № 9

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:53 to collection G 9/15/2015

1. BAT "XXVI Congress of the CPSU" - about the work of the large Autonomous trawler "XXVI Congress of the CPSU".

2. Komsomol-youth link of M. I. Busov - about the youth fishing link of the collective farm "Red star" of the Ikryaninsky district of the Astrakhan region

3."At Voronezh cooks"

Fishermen on the workload 1989 № 14

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:30 to collection G 9/15/2015

1. "Floating base-for rent" - about working in the conditions of self-financing at the fish-and-flour floating base "Alexey Chuev".

2. "Genetic Fish Bank" - about the creation of a genetic carp bank at the Institute of Pond Farming.

3. About the water treatment system from the waste of the fish cannery, developed in the Estonian collective farm "Oktober".

4." Pioneers of the ocean".

About the veterans of the fishing fleet of Kaliningrad.

Fishermen on the workload 1990 № 15

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:50 to collection G 9/15/2015

1." On the way to the market" - about how the transition to rent improves the working conditions of fishermen.

2. "Joint Venture" - about a joint Soviet-Japanese enterprise at the Korsakov base of ocean fishing.

3. "Marine College" - about the marine college in Vladivostok.


About the invention of rotary cutters, which give a huge gain in time when processing parts.

4. "Returning from long journeys" - about what is being done in the production association "Murmanrybprom" for the psycho-physical recovery of fishermen after a long voyage.

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