Newsreels Interrepublican newsreel

Newsreel about the cultural and economic changes in the life of the autonomous republics of the Volga and Ural regions.

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Interrepublican newsreel 1940

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:13 to collection G 3/1/2021

The issue is devoted to various aspects of the life of the Mari, Chuvash and Tatar ASSR.

Interrepublican newsreel 1940

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:02:50 to collection G 3/1/2021

The issue is dedicated to the Tchaikovsky House-Museum in Votkinsk of the Udmurt ASSR and the teachings of the members of the OSOAVIAKHIm in the Chuvash ASSR.

Interrepublican newsreel 1939 № 2

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Newsreel, 1 part to collection G 6/15/2016


TASSR. Kazan. "Glorious twentieth anniversary." 20 years of the Kazan Infantry School.

CEC of the Tatar ASSR. Cadets of the school take the oath.

Interrepublican newsreel 1939 № 3

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:44 to collection G 6/8/2016

1) of Tatarstan. "XX Tatar regional party conference".

The city of Kazan. 25 February. 2) UASSR. "For high-quality repair of tractors."

Mozhginsky MTM. The mechanics in the workshop during operation.

Stakhanovets Pletnev MA, Stakhanovite Kislitsin ND 3) MASSR. "Future Engineers".

City Yoshkar-Ola.

Forestry Institute.

The general meeting of students winners.


Interrepublican newsreel 1939 № 34

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:06:02 to collection G 6/8/2016

) MASSR. "A nation-wide celebration." December 24.

Elections to local councils in the city of Yoshkar-Ola.

Festivities: dance, puppetry. 2) of Tatarstan. "On December 24".

Elections to local councils in the city of Kazan.

Voters at the polling station.

Children at play, drawing.

Adults in the time of voting.


Interrepublican newsreel 1939 № 1

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:23 to collection G 6/8/2016

1) TASSR. "They are discussing the plan of the third Stalinist five-year plan."

The city of Kazan.

Yakub Kamil Book Factory.

Workers at the machines.

Agitator Bubbles N. B. during the reading of the theses of the reports of Molotov and Zhdanov at the XVIII Congress of the CPSU (b). 2) TASSR. "Preparation for the Bolshevik Spring".

Kolkhoz "Kzyl Yashlyar" ("Kyzyl yashlyar") of Baltasinsky district.

Preparation of seeds and equipment for spring sowing. 3) TASSR. "To the XVIII Congress of the CPSU(b) - the Stakhanov meeting".


Interrepublican newsreel 1940 № 5

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:15 to collection G 6/8/2016

1) of Tatarstan. "Future sailors."

The city of Kazan.

Youth of premilitary age during lessons in the classroom naval points. 2) MASSR. "Circle of motorcyclists."

City Yoshkar-Ola.

Students Mari Pedagogical Institute during the theoretical lessons on the study of motor-cycle in the classroom and practical exercises on the street. 3) of Tatarstan. "Old library".

The city of Kazan. 75th anniversary of the VI Central Library Lenin.

Visitors to the library in the reading rooms. 4) Kinoreportazh.


Interrepublican newsreel 1940 № 9

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:04:58 to collection G 6/8/2016

1) of Tatarstan.

Chistopol. "On the eve of navigation."

Staff at the port during the work on the preparation of the ship "Yakov Vorobyov" for the opening of navigation. 2) MASSR. Yoshkar-Ola. "The happiest".


Children at play, sleep. 3) UASSR. Izhevsk. "Ice fishing".

Stakhanovskaya team Dubasov DA fishing. 4) of Tatarstan. "Kazan Chess Championship."

Saygin VS - The champion of the city. 5) MASSR. Yoshkar-Ola.


Interrepublican newsreel 1941 № 15

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:05:36 to collection G 6/8/2016

1) CHASSR. "Our answer."

Preparation for spring agricultural work at the Molotov collective farm in Cheboksary district. 2) MASSR. "Before navigation".

Workers of the Putyakov plant in Zvenigovo during repair work.

The commission under the leadership of the director of the plant Smirnov during the inspection of the vessel "Burevestnik". 3) "On Udmurtia".

Film report.

The work of the art embroidery circle of the secondary school No. 30 of the city of Izhevsk-the winner of the first place in the school amateur competitions.

Processing of the piston ring of the motor in the machine shop of the Izhevsk Motor Plant.


Interrepublican newsreel 1941 № 4

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:03:50 to collection G 6/8/2016

1) of Tatarstan.

Kazan. "At the meeting of the foremost agriculture ordenonosnogo Tartary."

Report on the results of 1940 and tasks of agriculture of Tatarstan for 1941 in the House of the Red Army during the meeting of the foremost agriculture. 2) CHASSR. "School in Khodarev".

Single-class school in Khodarev, opened on the initiative of the inspector of schools Simbirsk Ulyanov Ilya Nikolayevich in 1870.

The new 10-classroom school.

Teacher Sergei Fedorov during German lessons. 3) UASSR. "Izhevsk group of industrial enterprises".

PROMKOMBINAT for the production of consumer goods, organized by the People's Commissariat of the local industry in the city of Izhevsk.


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