Newsreels On steel lines

Newsreel "On steel lines" tells the story of the development of railway transport, on new types of trains on the railway construction, the application of new technologies on social protection of railway employees.

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39 documents,

On steel lines 1988 № 263

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55 to collection G 7/24/2014

1st plot.

ROAD is safe.

The plot of the car relsoochistitelnoy "RUM-3."

Traffic lights on the railroad.

Train driver at work.

Railway workers to manually clean the rails of debris and dirt.

Relsoochistitelnaya machine "RUM-3", created by members of Institute of Railway Transport, together with CDB Putmash purifies rails running water.


On steel lines 1986 № 249

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:13 to collection G 7/24/2014

In newsreel includes the following topics:

1st plot.

Mutually beneficial cooperation.

In the story told about the solemn transfer of the first production cars built in Finland by Soviet drawings with partial use of Soviet equipment and materials:

general view of the area of ​​the Riga station in Moscow; solemn transfer cars at station Riga: general view of finished cars, the signing of the act of transfer form Presidium meeting, a presentation by Finland and vice.

Minister of Transport of the USSR Korenko.

2nd story.


On steel lines 1981 № 224

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:23 to collection G 7/24/2014

1 plot.

School of Excellence.


Lions PNRM. on city streets.

People on the streets of cinema building Shchors.

The station building.

Freight trains on the tracks.


On steel lines 1987 № 258

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45 to collection G 7/24/2014

1st plot.

ROBOTS - repairmen.

Locomotives in the workshop of the Moscow Locomotive Plant.

Type of machine shop.

Working on machines manufactured parts for the restoration of worn units locomotives.

Work at work on a machine with numerical control.

Automatic processing of the workpiece.


On steel lines 1985 № 247

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:43 to collection G 7/24/2014

1st plot.

Loyalty to tradition.

Newsreels (1935): A.Stahanov miner in the mine; Stakhanov welcome miners near the mine; miners applauded; A.Stahanov with a bouquet of flowers.

Portrait A.Stahanova made pencil.

Newsreels (1935): P.Krivonos driver climbs into a locomotive; talks with workers through the window of the locomotive.

Portrait P.Krivonosa made pencil. P.F.Krivonos and A.G.Stahanov (photo, 1935-1936 yy) Photos heroes of the first five on the bench.

Commemorative plaque with the inscription: "Roundhouse Slavyansk Donetsk Order of Lenin railway built in 1869."


On steel lines 1990 № 270

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:59 to collection G 7/24/2014

Special Issue newsreel devoted All-Union meeting of railwaymen, held in Moscow in December 1989.

In newsreel filming the following:

Part 1.

Start spacecraft from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, landing spaceship shuttle "Buran", car repairs on one of the enterprises;

general view of one of the railway junctions, snow-covered wagons;

construction of houses for the railroad;

general form of recreation Siauliai distance electricity Baltic Railways, exterior and interior of one of the cottages at the base of rest, resting in the dining room, in their rooms, on the procedures;


On steel lines 1982 № 229

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:20 to collection G 7/24/2014

1 plot.

Containers - routes.


Transportation of transit containers freight train wagons.

Cargo ships in the port of "East" on the Pacific coast.

Seaman and railwayman talking in port.

View of the container terminal.


On steel lines 1989 № 269

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:08:48 to collection G 7/24/2014

In newsreel includes the following topics:

1st plot.

Electricity control computers.

Movement with electric freight train on the railway.

General view of the Rostov isntituta rail.

Type one of the streets of Rostov-on-Don.

Employees of the Institute for the development of the automated control system of energy facilities.


On steel lines 1986 № 253

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:29 to collection G 7/24/2014

1st plot.


The story tells about the initiative specialists refrigerated depot Gheorghiu-Dej - aggregation method maintenance autonomous cars.

Voronezh region., City

Gheorghiu-Dej (now


Architectural composition of concrete blocks with the inscription: "Reefer depot."


On steel lines 1988 № 262

Title image

Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:39 to collection G 7/24/2014

1st plot.

FORUM railway unions.

The Central House of tourists in


Above the entrance to the concert hall hangs a flag with the inscription: «IX International Seminar railway unions."

Seminar participants - representatives of 40 national and railway unions and international trade union organizations in the hall during the meeting.

Chairman of the Central Committee of the trade union of railway workers USSR I.Shenkevich makes a report. I.Shenkevich talks with participants during a break between sessions.


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