Newsreels Stars of Russia

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46 documents,

Stars of Russia 1999 № 2 Rabbi.

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:47 to collection C 11/14/2012

Film story of Rabbi synagogue on Bolshaya Bronnaya Street in

I. Kogan Moscow - Former Soviet engineer, designing control systems of nuclear submarines.


Rabbi reads prayers during the service in the synagogue.

Religious Jews celebrate the Jewish holiday.

Jews dancing during the festival.

Religious ceremonies during the service in the synagogue.


Religion | Social life

Stars of Russia 1999 № 3 Mom, Mom, Mom.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:00 to collection C 11/14/2012

Film about Moscow family spouses Ai Omar Shah and I. POLEZHAEVA, which brought up 6 native and 9 foster children.

Childhood and youth | Social life

Stars of Russia 1999 № 4 I love you.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08 to collection C 11/14/2012

Film magazine dedicated to commemorate the great Russian singer Lyudmila Zykina.

Stars of Russia 2000 № 1 Wings.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:41 to collection C 11/14/2012

On the work of the teacher labor VP Kislenko in usual Moscow school.

Stars of Russia 2000 № 2 Rescue temple. Voices of artists.

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:04 to collection C 11/14/2012

About the artist, painted the revived Church of Christ the Savior.

Visual Arts | Culture and Arts

Stars of Russia 1992 № 1 Tanya Ostryagina.

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:03 to collection C 11/14/2012

A 6-year-old singer of Russian songs Tanya Ostryaginoy.

Childhood and youth | Music | Social life | Culture and Arts

Stars of Russia 1992 № 3 Late Flowers.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45 to collection C 11/14/2012

History of life artists sisters Maya and Rosa Zharkikh.

Visual Arts | Culture and Arts

Stars of Russia 1992 № 4 Sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08 to collection C 11/14/2012

On the work of sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov.

Visual Arts | Sculptors | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Biography

Stars of Russia 1992 № 5 . . . Russian soul. . .

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:03 to collection C 11/14/2012

On the folk singer singer Tatyana Petrova.

Music | Culture and Arts

Stars of Russia 1992 № 7 And lighted up the soul.

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:07 to collection C 11/14/2012

Kinorasskaz of the choir near Moscow, Russian songs, created by the collector of Russian songs PG Yarkov.

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