Newsreels Tonwoche

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Tonwoche 1938 № 389

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:12:22 to collection G 10/24/2016

The historic Reichstag building.

Passage of Hitler in car through Berlin past the houses decorated with Nazi symbols.

On the way, the Fuhrer welcomed the crowds.

People stand near loudspeakers in anticipation of the speech.

Hitler and his entourage goes to the Reichstag, the clock shows 13 hours.

Room filled with people, on the podium of the generals, Goering.

Hitler gives a speech given to the German people and the world.


Tonwoche 1938 № 393

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:14 to collection G 10/24/2016

The day of commemoration of heroes.

The crosses on the military cemeteries.

The ceremony of laying wreaths at the Pantheon on Unter den Linden in Berlin.

Go to the Pantheon Goering, Admiral Raeder and General, make a wreath, straightened the ribbon, then go to standing in the Pantheon troops.

Memorial meeting in the hall, on the stage of the bearers.

Goering salutes their Marshal's baton, delivers a speech.

Tonwoche 1938 № 394

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:11:20 to collection G 10/24/2016


Mussolini comes to Parliament and speaks on friendship with Germany.

The hall explodes with applause.

Mussolini speech broadcast on radio.

The faces of the people.

Berlin meets Hitler.

Hitler returns to the plane from Austria after its annexation to Germany (the Anschluss).


Tonwoche 1938 № 396

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:12:54 to collection G 10/24/2016


The performances of the cavalry in the arena in Berlin.

Horse racing steeplechase cavalry units.

Spectators watch the competition.


The breeding chickens in the incubator.

A worker lays the boxes with the eggs in the incubator.


Tonwoche 1938 № 397

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:12:08 to collection G 10/24/2016

The construction of the highway in Germany.

On the map of Germany a network of roads through the cities of Hamburg, Cologne, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, etc.

Soldiers of the Labor front gives comrades a shovel.

On the scene marching civilians with shovels.

The types of Salzburg, rides over the bridge the motorcade with Hitler.

Residents welcomed him, pulling his hands.

Arrival on the construction of the highway, the führer greeted the workers approach children with flowers.


Tonwoche 1938 № 398-1

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:09:21 to collection G 10/24/2016

Flight French Dore pilot of the glider over the Pyrenees.

The pilot is in the air elements of aerobatics.

Maneuvers of troops in the United States.

A military operation involving aircraft and ground troops.

Planes bombed the area.

In the woods the tanks.

The gunners fired from a cannon.


Tonwoche 1938 № 398

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:11:56 to collection G 10/24/2016

USA. Maneuvers of troops in the U.S. designed to demonstrate their readiness for war.

Flying planes, riding tanks, motorized artillery.

Tank rides on camera.

Infantry attack.

Tanks crossing the river.

The soldiers ran across the bridge.

Shooting guns.


Tonwoche 1938 № 399

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:56 to collection G 10/24/2016

The American fleet on maneuvers.

In the sky flying airplanes.

Various types of ships pass by the rocky shores.

A ship at sea is undermining depth charges.

USA. Experiment with steel structure, through which electric current of high voltage of 1 million volts.

The resulting lightning rushes up design.

Aviation day in Melbourne.


Tonwoche 1938 № 400

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:08:32 to collection G 10/24/2016

Germany celebrates on May 1. flowering trees.

May day rally of the German youth in the Olympic stadium in Berlin.

Hanging banners with Nazi symbols.

The arrival of Hitler at the rally, the journey by car past the stands and columns of jubilant young people.

A youth leader Baldur von Schirach report to the Fuhrer.

Hitler, Goebbels place on the podium.

In the stands of the spectators composed of the word "Grossdeutschland" - "Great Germany".


Tonwoche 1938 № 401

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Newsreel, 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:03 to collection G 10/24/2016

Hitler's visit to Italy.


The escort of motorcyclists in the car rides Hitler and Mussolini.

The monumental memorial complex at the altar of the Fatherland to lay a wreath.

Hitler and Mussolini down the stairs to the troops.

The performance of German and Italian anthems.

Sounds toast to the Fuhrer.


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