Movies for broadcasting

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Topics: Movies for broadcasting

9 documents,

Planet Of The Storms. (1961)

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Documentary, 9 parts, Duration: 1:18:29 to collection L 4/6/2023

Art science fiction produced by k/s "Lennauchfilm" together with"Lenfilm".

About the adventures of astronauts on Venus.

The film was a stunning success (distribution in 22 countries - an audience of 28 million people) thanks to masterfully executed tricks, models, which Spielberg, in particular, learned from.

Movies for broadcasting | Space

Dmitri Shostakovich. Sketches a portrait of the composer. (1967)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:55:08 to collection G 10/27/2013

The story of the life and works of famous Russian and Soviet composer Dmitry Shostakovich.

The film covers a considerable period of time between the mid 1920s and mid 1960s, the documentary includes rare footage of newsreels.

Best films CNF | Music | Composers | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Biography

Choreographer Yuri Grigorovich. (1987)

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Documentary, 7 parts, Duration: 1:05:41 to collection G 10/13/2013

The film tells about the work of masters of classical choreography, choreographer Yuri Grigorovich Bolshoi Theatre.

In f. showing scenes from the ballet "Swan Lake", "Spartacus", "Gayane", "Ivan the Terrible", etc.

Recently rehearsals conducted by Grigorovich.

Best films CNF

Marc Chagall - Artist from Russia. (1987)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:03 to collection G 9/12/2013

The film tells about the life and work of the Russian artist Marc Chagall.

Visual Arts | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Artists | Movies for broadcasting | Biography

Moscow Strikes Back. (1965)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:58:04 to collection C 11/14/2012

First Flight to the Stars. (1961)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:54:59 to collection C 11/14/2012

About the first manned spaceflight in history and Yury Gagarin.

Historical note
April 12, 1961 in the Soviet Union has been committed by the world's first space flight on board the spaceship "Vostok-1".

On board the ship was Soviet cosmonaut YA Gagarin.

April 14, 1961 Moscow met YA Gagarin.

Conquest of Space | International cooperation | The first manned space flight. | Movies for broadcasting | Space

Black Square. (1988)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 0:56:53 to collection C 11/14/2012

The film presents the history of the Soviet avant-garde art since 1957.

Best films CSDF | Culture and Arts | Visual Arts | Movies for broadcasting

Maya Plisetskaya.. (1981)

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Documentary, 7 parts, Duration: 1:09:01 to collection C 11/10/2012

The film is devoted to the creative work of the USSR People's Artist ballet dancer Maya Plisetskaya.

Best films CSDF | Ballet | Ballerinas | Movies for broadcasting | Culture and Arts | Persons of arts | Biography

Man with a Movie Camera. (1929)

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Documentary, 6 parts, Duration: 1:03:05 to collection A 11/9/2012

The founder of world documentary cinema Dziga Vetrov's film about a life of a big city

Best films CSDF | Movie | Movies for broadcasting | Culture and Arts

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