Society, social activities and community organizations

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Topics: Society, social activities and community organizations

83 documents,

Astrakhan chronicle.To Boris Yeltsin's visit to Astrakhan. (1992)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:17 to collection G 2/6/2018

About the visit of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin to Astrakhan.

Political figures | Society, social activities and community organizations | Biography | Policy | Social life

Astrakhan chronicle.Time of Actors. (1992)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:11:07 to collection G 2/6/2018

A film about the work of the administration of the Astrakhan region

Domestic policy | Society, social activities and community organizations | Policy | Social life

Chronicle demonstration.. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:20:33 to collection G 11/13/2016

The film is dedicated to the demonstration in honor of November 7 in Leningrad.

November 7 | Demonstrations | Holidays | Social life | Society, social activities and community organizations

Reflection on mercy. (1991)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:13 to collection G 10/4/2016

On the revival of the relief society in our country.

In the film are: E. Poplavskaya – Chairman of the Council of the order of Mercy and social protection to them..D.Sakharova, A. Gnezdilov – the chief of the medical unit of society "Hospice" in Leningrad, I. G. Vasilyeva, a pensioner, an active member of one of regional branches of the society "Mercy" in Moscow.

Society, social activities and community organizations | Social life

peace Foundation. (1971)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:28 to collection G 7/18/2016

The film tells the story of the creation of the Foundation of the world and its activities.

Society, social activities and community organizations | International cooperation | Social life | Space

Moscow-Helsinki. Spring 1984.. (1984)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:55 to collection C 11/21/2015

The Friends' Meeting On The Eve of The USSR Jubilee. (1983)

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Documentary, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:58 to collection C 9/6/2015

The film tells about the International Forum of heads and active players of foreign societies of friendship with the Soviet Union, dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the USSR. By the order of the Union of Soviet Societies of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries.

Foreign policy | Society, social activities and community organizations | Policy | Social life

To Bring The Party's Word To the Masses.. (1979)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:00 to collection C 8/27/2015

About the meeting of ideologic officials held in Moscow in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Society, social activities and community organizations | Social life

Communist education of the working people.. (1979)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:45 to collection G 2/19/2015

Фильм рассказывает о том, как осуществляется коммунистическое идеологическое воспитание молодого поколения - в в школах и ВУЗах, в рабочих коллективах, а также через культуру, искусство и спорт.

Society, social activities and community organizations | Youth | Social life

Soviet Ural Mountains 1989 № 26 "We stayed alive people"

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:10:05 to collection G 9/5/2014

Special issue.

The political situation in the country argue A. Sakharov.

Society, social activities and community organizations | Domestic policy | Stalin's era | Social life | Policy | History

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