Leningrad chronicles 1986 № 29 Meet on the banks of the Neva

Film-document №87091 1 part, Duration: 0:10:22 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:22

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Producer LSDF

Director: L. Stanukinas

Operators: N. Vinogradskij, V. Donec

Text writers: D. Sidorov

Other authors: G. Sisoev


The issue is dedicated to the 4th meeting of Soviet and French related cities, the Days of France in the USSR.

International cooperation


Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel 1964: mime actor Marcel Marceau performs on a street in Paris.

Meeting of members of the French delegation at the Leningrad airport.

The faces of the members of the French delegation traveling on the bus.

French guests at the Palace Square.

Participants of the 4th meeting of the Soviet and French related cities before the start of the solemn meeting.

Members of the delegations of French cities go to the ceremony of laying wreaths at the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery.

The faces of the French guests.

Laying a wreath.

Monument at Piskarevskoye cemetery.

Former Buchenwald prisoner Pierre Parton talks about his impressions of the wreath-laying ceremony (synchronously).

Newsreel of 1943-1944: pilots of the Normandy squadron take their seats at the controls of the aircraft.

The plane's propeller rotates.

Pilots close the cockpit lights.

Planes taking off.

The officer directs the flights by radio.


The faces of the French guests.

Madame de Luve from Le Havre talks about the need to preserve the memory of the war in order to prevent it (synchronously).

The Eternal Flame is burning, a monument at the Piskarevskoye cemetery.

Faces of students of the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography during a meeting with French guests.

French actress Catherine Lery gives a speech about Victor Hugo (synchronously, in French).

The participants of the meeting applaud, Leri is presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Tourist buses in the parking lot.

Participants of the meeting of the mayors of the twin cities of France and the USSR before the meeting.

View of the meeting room.

The participants of the meeting applaud.

Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Lensovet Khodyrev V. Ya. speaks from the rostrum.

The President of the World Federation of Twin Cities, Pierre Mauroy, speaks from the rostrum.

The meeting logo.

The meeting's presidium.

President of the association" France-USSR " Raimorn Marquier speaks about the importance of the Soviet-American negotiations in Reykjavik (synchronously).

The participants of the meeting leave the hall in the lobby.

The Soviet-French Conference on Space Cooperation.

Participants of the meeting in the hall.

Marie-Pierre Luise from Marseille and Galina Izuvita from Odessa speak before the meeting about the similarity of Odessa and Marseille (synchronously), the faces of women.

View of the Neva River on the fairway.

French guests during a visit to the Hermitage and other museums in Leningrad.

The guide tells the French guests about the paintings presented in the halls of the Hermitage.

The face of one of the guests.

Newsreel of 1966: the figures of the Atlanteans at the entrance to the Small Hermitage, the motorcade of French President Charles de Gaulle arrives.

De Gaulle examines the paintings in the halls of the Hermitage.

Residents of Leningrad greet de Gaulle, de Gaulle from the car responds to the greetings of Leningrad residents.

Photographer V. Ronis inserts slides into the slide projector.

Photo portrait of Ronis.

Ronis shows his photos on the screen during the meeting with the Leningrad residents, photos taken by Ronis.

The poster of the tour of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater.

Kirov in Paris.

A fragment of the ballet.

Visitors to the exhibition of French artists in the hall of the Union of Artists in Leningrad.

Exhibition booklet with works by Jean Effel, drawings by Effel.

Persons of the exhibition organizers.

Grand opening of the exhibition.

Drawings by Jean Effel from the cycle "Creation of the World", visitors view the drawings.

Views of Nevsky Prospekt from the car window.

French guests get off the bus.

French guests in the lobby of the Palace of Pioneers.

Meeting of the French delegates with the Leningrad pioneers.

French guests lead a round dance with artists of children's folk ensembles, dance to the "Kalinka-Malinka".

French guests and artists of children's ensembles say goodbye to each other.

Marcel Marceau draws with chalk on the wall.

View of the Fontanka River in Leningrad (from above).


Marso (Manzhelj) Marselj -- French actor-mime, clown, theater teacher.
Hodirev Vladimir Yakovlevich -- State, political and public figure
Morua Pjer -- French statesman, political and public figure
De Gollj Sharlj Andre Zhozef Mari -- French statesman, political and military figure
Ronis (Roni) Villi -- french photographer







Persons of arts; Political figures; Meeting; Monuments; Childhood and youth; Museums and exhibitions; Towns and countries; World War II; Aviation
Biography; Culture and Arts; Policy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Geography and Nature; History