Leningrad meets the Olympics. (1982)

Film-document №97286 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:26 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:01

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Producer LSDF

Other authors: G. Sisoev, M. Litvyakov, A. Ivanov, L. Rozhin, A. Pavlov, I. Petrov, V. Burcev, S. Ivanyuhin, E. Goland, A. Korchagin


The film tells about the holding of the Olympic Games-80 in Leningrad.

Olympics 80 | Sport | International cooperation | Sporting events


Reel №1

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Panorama of the stadium in Leningrad, built for the Olympic Games-80 in the morning.

View of Nevsky Prospekt in the morning, the figure of the Olympic Bear at Gostiny Dvor.

Orchestra on the platform of the Moscow railway station.

Veterans of the Soviet sport applaud during a meeting of the Olympic flame.

Removal of the Olympic flame from the train car.

The fire is carried along the platform.

The Olympic flame is carried along Nevsky Prospekt in a car with a motor escort.

View of Nevsky Prospekt (from above).

Cameramen are shooting from an open car.

Delivery of the Olympic Flame to the building of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council, view of the central part of the building.

Lighting a fire in a special bowl.

Carrying the Olympic Flame through the streets of Leningrad.

Transfer of the torch relay by athletes of Leningrad.

Delivery of the torch across the Neva River.

Spectators on one of the stands of the stadium.


Fragments of the opening ceremony of the Olympic celebrations in Leningrad.

Guests of honor on the podium.

Christ carrying the Olympic flame myomas of the cruiser "Aurora".

An athlete with a torch in her hand.

Views and panorama of the stadium.

Kirov during the opening of the Olympic celebrations.

The faces of the spectators in the stands.

First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU G. V. Romanov and his entourage in the central box of the stadium.

Views of the stadium during the solemn event (above), fragments of the solemn event.

Children and a trained bear with a ball in their paws run to the audience.

March with the banners of the Union Republics of the USSR on the paths of the stadium.

Views of the stadium during the festive event.

Fans in the stands.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic football tournament.

Views of the stadium.

The solemn ceremony of lighting the flame in the Olympic bowl.

View of the bowl with a burning fire, the faces of people in the stands.

Fragments of a football match between the teams of Cuba and Zambia, commentators at the microphones, a view of the stadium during the match (above).

Fans in the stands, a panorama of the stands.

Foreign guests on the streets of Leningrad during excursions.

Panorama of the Neva River, the president of the International Olympic Committee Lord Killanin on the Neva embankment.

Lord Killanin gives an interview in English, talks about his impressions of the games of the 22nd Olympiad (synchronously).

Foreign guests at the time of the city of Leningrad.

Panorama of the square in front of the stadium.


People are queuing at kiosks for water and pies.

Street flower sales.

Fragments of a football match between the teams of Czechoslovakia and Colombia, President of the International Football Federation Zh.

Avelange gives an interview (synchronously).

Fans in the stands waving national flags.

The faces of the fans.


Romanov Grigorij Vasiljevich -- statesman and political figure
Killanin Majkl Moris -- Irish figure of the International Olympic movement
Avelanzh Zhoao -- Brazilian and international sports personality







Holidays; Football; Political figures; Sports legends; Russian cities and regions
Social life; Sport; Biography; Policy; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Reel №2

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Soviet and foreign journalists during a regular briefing.

Photos of episodes of Olympic competitions.

Photos of gymnast A. Dityatin, swimmer V. Salnikov, T. Kazankina, E. Davydova and S. Koplyakov.

Photos of Leningrad athletes-Olympic champions.

View of one of the buildings of the Olympic Village in Leningrad.

Athletes at the tables in the dining room.

Hairdressers and massage therapists of the hotel "Sportivnaya" at work.

The hydrofoil boat is on the Neva River.

A visit to the athletes of Peterhof.

View of the Samson fountain.

Participants of the cross-country race "Olympic Mile" go to the start in the Sosnovsky Forest Park, warm up.

The faces of the cross-country participants.

Start of the cross-country participants.

Cross-country participants at a distance.

Tourists from Greece finish with the national flag in their hands.

The winners were awarded with commemorative medals and diplomas.

Fragments of football matches at the stadium.


The face of a fan.

One of the fans is shooting with an amateur movie camera.

A guest from Japan, a member of the city Assembly of Shiba S. Hayashi gives an interview, regrets that the Japanese national team does not participate in the games (synchronously).

An American tourist expresses regret about the non-participation of American athletes in the Olympic Games (synchronously).

Foreign guests on the Neva embankment.

Views of Nevsky Prospekt, the movement of trams and trolleybuses.

A tourist bus passes by.

Foreign guests on the streets of Leningrad.

Foreign guests during the tour on the territory of Smolny listen to the story of the guide.

Persons of foreigners.

Foreign guests take pictures of the cruiser "Aurora".

Views of the stairs and halls of the Hermitage, visitors inspect paintings and exhibits.

A fragment of a ballet on the stage of one of the Leningrad theaters.

A table set for a banquet.

Performance of variety artists in front of foreign guests in the restaurant hall.

The people at the tables applaud.

Views of Nevsky Prospekt on a white night.

Fragments of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Leningrad at the stadium.

Kirov on July 27, 1980, views of the stadium during the event.

Views of the streets of evening Leningrad during the salute, the fire on one of the rostral columns, the faces of Leningraders.







Russian cities and regions; Museums and exhibitions; Holidays; Life and leisure; Football
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Culture and Arts; Social life; Sport