Newsreels Horizon

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55 documents,

Horizon 1965 № 1

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Newsreel, 6 parts, Duration: 0:54:43 to collection G 6/22/2017

1. The bridge.

About the design and forms of one of the oldest engineering structures.

2. Dock-about the work of the ship's dock in the port of Odessa.

3. Blue bee-about one of the rare insects-xylocope violet.

4.I repeat.

One day in the life of a curious little colt.

Horizon 1977 № 13

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Newsreel, 4 parts, Duration: 0:34:16 to collection G 6/13/2017

1. "Lyceum day cherished" - about the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum..

2. "Cubes, robots and the starry sky" - about young technicians from different cities and their inventions.

3. "triumphs of geometry" - about one of the most ancient Sciences-geometry and its role in our lives.

Horizon 1973 № 2

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Newsreel, 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:48 to collection G 6/8/2017

The special issue includes the story of the towers of Svaneti, Eiffel and Ostankino towers and games kinonovell "the Mathematician and the devil" the story of V. Chuprakova.

History | Mathematics | Architecture | Science | Culture and Arts

Horizon 1974 № 7

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Newsreel, 4 parts, Duration: 0:38:15 to collection G 6/7/2017

1. "Mentor" - about a cotton mill worker O. P. Vakhmyanina and her students.

2. "Mirror" - the story of the appearance of mirrors in human life, about the role it plays in the modern world.


3. "astronomy Lesson" - a game story that tells about astronomy.

Horizon 1969 № 3

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Newsreel, 6 parts, Duration: 0:56:23 to collection G 6/7/2017

1. "Words and time" - the history of the Soviet state in the frames of the chronicle.

2. "on the upper Pechora" -about the nature of the Pechora-Ilych reserve.

3. "Trial" - a game story based on the story of the same name by S. LEM.

Horizon 1971 № 6

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Newsreel, 6 parts, Duration: 1:00:15 to collection G 6/7/2017

1. "Children and war"- a story based on military newsreels tells about war children who replaced adults in the rear and at the front.

2." Duel " - about the eternal duel of man and height, the athlete and the unconquered bar.

3." One, two, three... " - about different calculus systems and why people use the decimal system.

4. the end Of the "Black shark" - a game story about a German submarine that destroyed Soviet ships.

Horizon 1970 № 4

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Newsreel, 6 parts, Duration: 0:51:10 to collection G 6/7/2017

1. "On the alley of heroes"-about the tradition of the guard of Honor at the eternal Flame in Volgograd.

2. "Our ninth" - interviews with ninth-graders of the same class who talk about friendship, plans for the future, and teachers.

3." The boy and the Heron"- about how the boy found a Heron chick that had fallen out of the nest and came out of it.

4. "chasing Louise" - a game story about how scientists prevent typhoons, and two teenagers almost prevented them from doing so.

Horizon 1973 № 4

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Newsreel, 4 parts, Duration: 0:39:01 to collection G 6/7/2017

1. "Squaring the circle".- about how ancient geometers tried to solve the problem of constructing a square equal in area to a circle.

2."Steps on water" - about water skiing.

3." And let the birds sing " - about a wonderful naturalist, zoologist, who brought up a whole generation of biologists, ecologists, geographers - P. p.

Smolin .

Horizon 1971 № 7

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Newsreel, 5 parts, Duration: 0:48:29 to collection G 6/7/2017

1."World of high voltage" - about the creation of high voltage power transmission lines..

2. "the Tenth Chapter" - about how the verses from the 10th Chapter of "Eugene Onegin"were found.

3." physics at half past nine " - a game story where the characters talk about quantum physics.

Horizon 1972 № 8

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Newsreel, 7 parts, Duration: 1:05:04 to collection G 6/7/2017

1. "Central children's ..." - a story about the Central children's theater in Moscow.

2. "sky Sailboat" - about a beautiful sport-gliding..

3. "Salad" - a game story about a boy's friendship.

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